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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

18 week ultrasound

It's a boy! Ian was able to come to this morning's ultrasound. While he had seen the pictures from the other appointments, it was a different thing entirely to get to see the baby moving around inside. All of the measurements checked out perfectly (he's actually a week ahead of schedule so far), and according to the tech, he has his daddy's face structure. We were able to make a DVD of the ultrasound - enjoy! The flashing spot on his chest you see at the beginning is his heart beat. He gets very active and starts flipping around a lot at about four minutes. Towards the end, you can see his spine when he flips over.

Friday, November 27, 2009

13 Week Ultrasound

Ian was in D.C. for the month, so Emily's mom came in to go with her to the 13-week genetic screening ultrasound at UAB in Birmingham. It was so exciting to see the baby go from a blob to real person in just 7 weeks! Even more exciting was learning that the baby looks perfectly healthy and had no positive markers for any problems!

6 Week Ultrasound

Emily went for the first ultrasound on September 15. Everything looked great, and it was exciting to get to see the baby and its little heart beating away.