Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, June 30, 2017

Windsor and Cambridge

Max loved the audio tour of the castle. Evelyn had fun playing paparazzi after fish and chips. We all had fun helping Ian drive windy, tiny back roads through the British countryside.

Let's go to Britain!

Monday, June 26, 2017

We have a swimmer!

Nobody - from the lifeguards to Evelyn herself! - could believe it when Evelyn passed her swim test.  She did an amazing job treading for 60 seconds, including a few seconds with her hands over her head, and then swimming across the pool and back.  She's thrilled to be able to jump off the diving board with the big kids now!

As she jumped off the diving board time and again yesterday, a boy about 8 years old said "look at that tiny girl, she's too small for this!"  Evelyn marched over to me and said "next time he says that, you tell him I'm 4.5 years old and I passed my swim test and I am NOT tiny."  Love her spunk and her confidence!

Helping Hands Finale

Saturday, June 24, 2017

The hills are alive...

Dream come true

While we were watching The Sound of Music, the NSO was doing a pops concert of Stat Wars music in their hall. Imagine our surprise to find these guys roaming the hall during intermission!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Water fight!

We celebrated the end of school with water balloons, water guns, and sprinkler fun. What a night!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Piano Recital

3.5 hours until summer break!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Early dismissal

Quick pic with Ms. Stankovich on the next to last day of first grade.

Field Day Fun

Races, water balloons, obstacle course, and dancing. What more could a girl want??