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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Still making headlines

Ian's photo was front and center in the NYT this weekend as well as in Santa Cruz. He's legendary!


Memorial Day Madness

Dad visited with Sen. Feinstein, Max and Mom did a modified Murph, and Evelyn and Mom got caught in the rain on a bike/walk. Patriotic cake and delicious dinner brought us all back together at the end of the day before board games and a Battlefront Dojo.


Sunday Funday

Brunch and shopping near Union Market, and charcuterie and ribs from the new grill for dinner.


Saturday Fun

Refinished the deck and revisited Mount Vernon.


Friday Fun

LOTS of errand running, and lunch with Dad downtown on a day off from school.


Back at it!

Back to baseball the day after the big hit to the face. Scored on his walk and then had an RBI triple followed by another run. Welcome back to baseball!


Field Day



Thursday, May 25, 2023

Shiner to the eye


Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Pizza Party

For our last Scout meeting of the year, we learned how to make pizzas in an authentic pizza oven. They tasted fantastic, and the process was a lot of fun. Next meeting we celebrate a great year and head to King's Dominion for an all-day celebration of bridging to Cadettes. Here's to a great Scouting year!


Take me out to the ballgame.

We had a lot of fun watching the Nats beat the Tigers!


Dance with me.

We headed to change after EXTRA Fun Friday, and kept the EXTRA going with the all-boys pre-party and cookout before the Upper School Dance. Following the dance, the whole grade met up for a pool party at Charlotte's. By the time we picked him up at 11, Max was ready for bed. Definitely a living-his-best-life kind of day!


EXTRA Fun Friday

It's the start of the countdown to the end of the year. Friday was an EXTRA Fun Friday. The kids had a great time with their friends. Max and his crew kept their distance from the shutterbug moms.


Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Still in the thick of it.


Study Bugs

Max is diligently prepping for his first final exams, while Evelyn and her friends knock out their homework in After Care each afternoon.


Monday, May 15, 2023

If you can't beat them...

...join them. We had a wonderful dinner out for Mother's Day, followed by less than amused photo-taking.