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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Memorial Day

Evelyn planned an epic cookout for Memorial Day, complete with corn hole, lighting fires, and lots of family time. Max made me a delicious mocktail with melon, watermelon and sugar in soda water. Ian grilled tons of chicken and sausage as well as delicious veggies. And for dessert, Evelyn and I whipped up a cheesecake pudding fruit extravaganza.



We all (even Piper) spent the weekend in Aberdeen at the Ripken Memorial Day Tournament. It was a fun weekend at a neat facility, with LOTS of time with the team.  11 boys can get very, very loud very, very regularly. Evelyn was a trooper and is a lot of fun to watch a game with.

After the first game, we hit 3 different drive throughs to get 3 different meals - Taco Bell, KFC, and Wendy's. What a wild way to eat!  I didn't get any pics of the team trip to see Maverick (Top Gun 2). It was a fun movie and a nice break.

We also picked up a new, travel tournament-approved bat with Max's birthday money. It's a bigger barrel and much heavier than his old, but seemed to do the trick when we hit the cages on the way back to the hotel - and in the next days' games.

Dinner at a place with a golf simulator was proof that while these boys can play baseball, they have zero idea how to golf. But they had a GREAT time chopping away.

Evelyn ended up with a splinter at one point.

Piper and I circled the parking lot multiple times each day. 


Thursday, May 26, 2022