Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's Halloween...

We set the mood with jack-o-lantern meat loaves and spooky trees (broccoli). 
Evelyn, you'll never believe it when you get older, but Tricia and I made your costume ourselves!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Burgundy Farm first field trip

The farm tools in the shed were popular!

We learned that worms are good for soil and picked radishes and mint. 

We also read a fun farm book. 

The boys looked for frogs in the pond. 
Miss Joy helped Max feed a goat. 
He pet a rabbit, too!
Max's favorite part was feeding the chickens. 

Mom and Dad joined the field trip and had fun, too!

Field trip

More pics to come, but here is a preview of the field trip to Burgundy Farm.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dinosaur expedition

We played archaeologists at the dinosaur museum on Saturday. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Messmaker, messmaker, make me a mess...

Fun times after dinner last night!

School party

Miss Joy and Miss Hilda both have birthdays this weekend. We had a special class party to celebrate!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Houston Fun from my Phone

Pumpkin bread from real pumpkins involved LOTS of mixing by Max. 

Happy to have bananas for breakfast!

BIG fans of the big tub!

Wiped out post-patch. 

E has a future in organizing. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

We love Louise!

We were so happy to meet sweet Louise and welcome her to our family!

Mustang Spirit... Catch it!

We were all fired up to watch Memorial crush Mayde Creek 34-0!

 We were very intent fans, carefully observing the game and the ancillary commotion.

 Evelyn was a little intimidated by the Markette majors!

 Even Louise has Mustang Spirit!