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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer living

Swim lessons, family swim, and dinner at the pool. Summer is so fun!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Little Mermaid

Evelyn was so proud of herself at her swimming lesson. You can tell she loves the water and I know she will be a great swimmer someday soon. She was much bolder and more confident than most classmates. It was neat to see her in the same class and pool that she used to watch Max's lessons in. She's so grown up!

Monday, June 27, 2016

First day of (Bible) school

It was our first-ever joint-first day of school! Evelyn was very involved in selecting her day's style.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


We went downtown for a trip to the dinosaur museum, and visited the Navy Memorial on the walk there. Both kids loved the evolution and bug exhibits more than the dinosaurs!

New wheels!

Evelyn was gifted a bike from Sophie and Lillian. She can't wait to put training wheels on it!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Summer night

We had a marathon play date with Grant. Lots of fun at home, the pool, the food court, and Baskin Robbins. What a great start to summer break!


Is there anything that screams suburban American family outing more than a Swedish lunch at IKEA?

Friday, June 24, 2016

Hang Ten

We had lots of fun celebrating the end of school at Ian's office party at Great Waves. Evelyn's surfer girl efforts crack me up - she wobbles and bounces very authentically for someone who has never seen a real surfer in action. Both kids loved the slides and wave pool.

School's Out for Summer!

Evelyn blared School's Out for Summer to help us wake Max up for his last day of school. He played air guitar in bed (who knew he knew what air guitar even was?!), then bounced downstairs to finish thank you notes for all of his teachers over breakfast. What a fantastic kindergarten year it has been!

Thursday, June 23, 2016

And that's a wrap!

Evelyn had a ball at her school Field Day and last day of school celebration. Hooray for the Marvelous Monkeys! Next stop, pre-K!

Monday, June 20, 2016


Max passed his swim test and is certified to use the diving boards and slides all summer! We are so proud of him - he swam across the pool and back without stopping and then treated water for 60 seconds. Whew!

Happy Father's Day!

Kindergarten Play Day

Such a fun time at kindergarten play day this morning! What a way to kick off the last week of school.