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Monday, January 30, 2023

The Root of the Problem

A very anxious Max had a root canal today. It turned out to be a great experience, thanks to a fun time on the nitrous oxide. Some of the gems of wisdom that came out during the procedure:

I would pay money to feel like this.

This feels GOOD.

Root canal? 8 out of 10 stars. Definitely recommend.

Root canals are way better than stitches.

This is just so relaxing. I want to have more root canals.

I really like it here. Do you think I can do this again?


Always Be Prepared

Francine left her obituary, interesting insight into how she saw her story.


Dinner Dates

Ian cooked a fancy dinner, and Evelyn served up an excellent charcuterie appetizer.



It was a swingin' good time at the Swing Class this weekend.



Evelyn and Mom set up for the first after church 250th anniversary celebration. We set a buffet and served mimosas to a cheerful crowd, then sold Girl Scout cookies to Ann on our way out the door!


Max Time

While Evelyn spent an afternoon with a friend, Max got to pick a special afternoon. He and Mom enjoyed brunch at Guapo's before meeting up with Dad for a stroll around the Capitol and a visit to the Botanical Garden. It was so nice to get one-on-one and two-on-one time together.



Piper thrived on having the kids home for parent-teacher conference days. We had a fun time loving on her at her annual check-up at the vet. We love you, Piper!


Parent Teacher Conferences

Both kids got glowing reviews from their teachers at their conferences Friday morning. They are good citizens in the classroom, crack their teachers up, and are doing great work across the board. So proud of them!


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Isn't she lovely

Francine (Tricia's mom) and baby Stephen (Tricia's brother).


Let's go BOBCATS!


The Maxes are back...

...and looking stylish at cotillion!


Scouts take the Hill.

The Troop took advantage of Ian's tour guide skills and got an inside look at the Capitol and the Senate.