Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, January 31, 2020

Civic Minded

Evelyn (and Ian!) got to skip part of school today for a special civics lesson with the Brownie troop.  The girls got to meet with the Commonwealth Attorney, circuit judge, sheriff, city clerk, and voter registrar, get a VIP tour of the council chambers, meet with the AlexRenew team and more.  What fun it is to have a council member's daughter in the Troop!


Evelyn was excited to make valentines with her Buddy, but not as excited as she was when the 4th grade came to work on Rubiks cubes with her class!  She was thrilled to be partnered with "4th Grade Ava" and to see her buddy Mr. Jackson - not to mention her brother!

Monday, January 27, 2020

Weekend Update

Max rocked his baseball tryouts, really showing his stuff in the fielding and batting practices and looking strong as a pitcher (no pictures).

Evelyn developed a plan for making another round of bags for the homeless to keep in our cars, and took the lead on shopping, decorating, and stuffing the bags.  Love her heart.

We all enjoyed dinner with the Kratovils to celebrate a no-school Monday.  It was a great (and delicious!) way to head into parent-teacher conferences.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Second Science Fun

Evelyn has been loving all of the science experiments in second grade.  This week, they tried to make sand impervious to the wind from a hairdryer, and had fun seeing what happened to different objects in the path of the hairdryer's wind.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


We headed to Udvar-Hazey this weekend.  Mom LOVES the space shuttle, and the kids were super-excited to find the Coast Guard helicopter with Houston painted on it.

Sharp Images

Friday, January 17, 2020

Back to School

Catching upon the end of the last semester and the start of the spring term.  Max's class did presentations on natural disasters.  His topic was tsunamis.  He enjoyed performing in the band concert as well pre-break, but not as much as Evelyn enjoyed the pancake breakfast party!  Evelyn's class kicked off the new term learning about volcanoes, and got to hear from ME as the guest reader on my birthday.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Come From Away

We loved seeing Come From Away at the Kennedy Center.  It was a fun show that we both enjoyed and would definitely recommend.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Happy New Year!

I didn't get any pictures of our NYE party, but did catch the fun at the girls' party January 1.  Toasts, resolutions, wishes, and lots of giggles with Leighton, Russi, Cameron, and Taylor (and Russi's patient twin brother, Kingston).