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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015!

I didn't get any pictures, but we had a fabulous party to celebrate the end of 2015. The kids were great hosts!

Earlier in the day, Evelyn helped build a new storage box while Max supervised.

Monday, December 28, 2015


We had lots of fun playing at Yorktown today. The visitor center had a stage with costumes and a fantastic encampment. Max got to help fire the cannon (pretend, but as part of a demonstration)! The NPS site had great fortifications to climb and play soldier on.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Road trip!

We visited Jamestown and Williamsburg today. The kids had a ball at both. Evelyn loved the chickens and Max liked talking to the soldiers about muskets of the 1600s.

We also visited St Peters, New Kent, which is the parish that Ian's great-great-great.... grandparents attended in the 1600s. The church is gorgeous and has, entertainingly, a list on the wall of all the relatives that you are not allowed to marry.