Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, April 29, 2013


While big brother slept, Evelyn went to work figuring out how to do puzzles.  We determined the best thing to do with puzzle pieces is eat them - they are so delicious!
 If this picture does not SCREAM 'Baby Aunt Syd' to you, you are clearly crazy:

 She was scooching around like crazy.  I really thought she may give us a first Army crawl to get to the pieces, but instead she either barrel rolled to get to what she needed or spun around in a circle on her tummy.  She'll be crawling any day now!

Jump up, jump up, and get down

Evelyn is at her happiest when she has something in her hands and the chance to move around.  That makes the jumperoo one of her very favorite places!

Fireman at work

Max is very diligent about keeping his fire truck clean.  Here he is post-post-fire-cleaning.

 Evelyn read the paper with Daddy while Max and I worked at the fire station.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Two Little Monkeys Jumping in a Crib

We piled into the crib this morning to play.  Max is amazed by how far you can see from our 'tall house windows,' and Evelyn is amazed there is another person in her crib!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Rise and shine!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Play Time!

Lucy and Tim had the kids over to play while we were in Chattanooga.  Evelyn enjoyed meeting Baby Kate, who is bigger than any of her dolls - and bigger than Evelyn, too!

 Max loved it all - the trains, cars, boats - even the xylophone!


One of the highlights of the trip to Chattanooga was riding on the 'Incline Railway Train'.  I didn't get any pictures of the train, but I did get some cuties of Max exploring the cannons at Point Park at the top of the ride.  

Age of Aquarius

I'm back off my death bed (finally!) and am just now getting our photos from Chattanooga off my camera.  Lots more to share, but here are some of the best from our trip to the aquarium.  It was so much fun!