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Monday, January 31, 2011

Let's go to the movies...

It occurs to us that now that Max does things that actually make for fairly interesting videos we have failed to post any of them for a while! Here are some cuties from the last few days:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

More squeezing into the chair

LOOOOOOK, the chair! Reaching for the stars
I am GOING to make this work
LOVE it in here!Stop shining that flash in my face silly Mommy!
Thumbs up for fun!

Family Zoo Day

We went to the zoo together on Saturday. We met Max's new friend Hale at the gate. They enjoyed checking each other out! Hale was a bundle of energy and soon ditched us to run through the zoo at a 22-month-old's pace. Max didn't mind being ditched. He liked hanging with Mom and Dad!
Hi fans!
The lions were making lots of noises. Max liked watching that!
We ran into another friend there, Baby John. We rode the train with John and his family. It was Max's first train experience.
John was very good with Max and let him pat him on the face and tug his hair. Max was intrigued by such a big boy (John is 15 months)
Max did NOT like the two train tunnels. All the little kids scream when you go through them. Max screamed when they did, but not from fun. He was scared! Daddy held him and showed him the pretty lake to help calm down.
Just after the scary tunnel
At the end of the day, we tried for a family photo. It didnt work too well!


Now that he knows how to do it, Max loves to pull himself up on EVERYTHING, even the bottom of chairs!

Readers are Leaders

Daddy and Max enjoy some special reading time together over the weekend:

Undersea Tunnel

The Undersea Playworld evolved into the Undersea Tunnel this week. Max l-o-v-e-d to crawl through it and dove right in the second it was up and running. He is also fascinated by the octopus and sea horse that hang from it - it's as if he hasn't seen them every single day since he was four days old!


A friend from church sent these pics of Max's baptism. Love his squishy mad faces!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Interesting Factazoid

Max has now been an oustide baby for as long as he was an inside baby. Time flies!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monster of Cute!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Like Aunt, Like Nephew?

Many of our faithful readers may remember that Aunt Syd loved to be under things and in small spaces when she was little. Max has just discovered the joy of going underneath things. He hangs out in the bottom shelf of the built-ins (see post a couple down) and under our coffee table a lot these days. Last night, he discovered the underside of the stand-and-play table, and had a lot of fun crawling underneath it. He worked VERY hard! Hi! It's neat-o under here!
One hand in front of the other...
Where did Max go?!
Free at last!

For no real reason

These just make me smile, thought you would enjoy them too!

Gratuitous Jumperoo Pics

Because, after all, who doesn't love a cute baby in a Jumperoo?!

Nesting Tables are F-U-N

Max has discovered that the nesting tables are easy to pull apart and make a very satisfying noise when they drag across the floor. Fortunately, the rug stops them from going too far!

In the Clubhouse with a Lizard

Max has discovered crawling into relatively confined spaces. He loves it! His favorite club house so far is the lowest shelf in our built-ins in the sun room.
He also likes to see the bars of the jumperoo from the outside:
My favorite thing about his jumperoo exploring is his little lizard tongue when he licks the bar. SO cute!