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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jigging Jog

Nine hours later, we are in Dover. What a long day! Now to get to McGuire to get the car and then home tomorrow. Miles to go before we rest.

Perking up

We took advantage of Ian's access to the Distinguished Visitors Lounge and relaxed in comfort and quiet, then were escorted to the bus first. It's nice to be a Colonel's family!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Once more, with gusto

Another car ride, another snoozing Evelyn. This time accompanied by Moosey.

American WWI Cemetery in France

Beautiful and thought provoking.


We hiked in the woods at Verdun, which was like walking on a pockmarked moon landscape. So many shells hit the ground here that there are no flat spaces, not even for a few feet. Sobering.

Verdun Ossuary

There’s no place like home.

We started the day off with brunch at Macaroni Grille (hello, salad and vegetables, we've missed you!) and a ride on the Ramstein Mall carousel before heading back to France to leave about WWI. American shops and food, you are delightful!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


We spent 9 hours waiting for a flight home that got canceled. Tomorrow is a new day!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Guten tag

We made it to Landstuhl. Schnitzel and spaetzel, oh my!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Notre Dame

The kids were wowed. Max was fascinated by the crown of thorns. Evelyn loved the music and incense of the service happening as we walked around. She hopped up on Ian's shoulders and just kept saying "wooooow"

La Tour Eiffel

Evelyn really wanted to go up in the tower. The view was pretty incredible.

Le Louvre

We really enjoyed the Ancient Greek and Egyptian exhibits. And got a kick out of Napoleon III's swank digs.

Pain Et Chocolate

Vive le petit dejeuner Francais!