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Monday, June 30, 2014

Lucky #7

Happy anniversary to us!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Two loves in a tub

Orange one

Post zoo, we headed to "the orange Home Depot" which Max finds vastly superior to the blue one. 


We hit the zoo early this morning to beat the crowds and heat. 

Max and Evelyn both wore Bible Buddy necklaces from vbs. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Max does VBS

Max and I have had a ball at VBS this week.  He loves spending time with his friends doing fun things!

 This counselor's name is Max.  We call him 'Big Max the Apple-light'.  They've become buddies this week!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Silly Times

Sometimes, things get a little goofy around here.  Like when we use straw glasses to drink our milk!

Other times are sweet, like when I found the kids reading together on Sunday morning.

 Then there are the super-silly times, like when Max hid in the pantry and Evelyn hunted him down!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Off we go...

The kids enjoyed 'flying' the Cessna at air & space this morning. 

Mark and his family met us there. 

Our kids loved helping push Baby Benjamin's stroller!


Max and Daddy got haircuts this morning. Evelyn got a lollipop!