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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Costumes in 2nd

Spooky Bobcats

I got to lead the crafts in Evelyn's class to celebrate Halloween.  Then Dad and I came back up to school for the all-school costume parade and class parties.  What a fun way to celebrate with friends!

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cookie Monster

These little monsters had fun making Halloween cookies with Tricia!

Monster Mash

October Cotillion is a Monster Mash costume party.  Max had fun posing with both the MacArthur and ACDS boys before hitting the dance floor.

Go Mom!

We enjoyed a date night out to watch the Nats lose Game 4 of the World Series before I ran the MCM10K Sunday morning.  It poured down rain but was a lot of fun.  And I managed to finish with a 10:34 pace.  Winning!

Sister Life

Science experiments with Ava, then chilling the next morning at Max's ball game.  

Friday, October 25, 2019

4th Grade Fun

Max got rave reviews from his teacher for his presentation skills on his project on Vasquez de Coronado.  And lots of fun exploring with the whole grade.

Second Grade Goings On

Guest Readers Steve and Tricia, ice cream in a bag, reading Stink, and planting plants.  Oh what fun it is to be in second grade!

Glory Days

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Butler's Orchard