Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Working and helping

Max and Kai made cheerio letters last week. Max made and M for Max, and Kai made an M for mommy. Max makes lots of funny faces in the course of his day. This is his 'I'm not so sure what this is, but I think I like it' look.
The 'really, really, really people - I NEED that' face
And the 'if I stare at it long enough, I know I'll figure it out' face. Such a sweetie!

Best part of working at home!

The internet is up and working again at the house - hooray!! The best part is the surprise office visits from the cutest intern in town :)

And if I had a pony...

Max went sailing in his diaper box last night. Fun times!

Ginormous Bubbles

Max's summer nanny, Talia, brought over a GIANT thing of bubbles. The name of it is Ginormous Bubbles (for real). Max LOVES the bubbles! He really likes to tote around the big bottle. Last night we had lots of fun waiting for Daddy to come home. First we took the bottle outside.
Then we took off down the sidewalk with it!
Paraded down the street
And then went back home just in time for Daddy's arrival!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fun new toy!

Max was acting very coy when he first came downstairs this morning... He was also very excited!
I wasn't too sure why, until I saw he had discovered a new toy to play with - the empty diaper box!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Good morning!

Going for the fun chair! Happy morning!
Look out the door - the sprinkler is running!

Fauxther's Day

We celebrated Father's Day a week late with a breakfast at the Eastern Market. Max and Daddy had lots of fun!

Fun with a phone

Sweetest little faces

First trip to the Hill

We took Max with us when we went to have our gas turned on. Believe it or not, the Washington Gas office is literally across from the Capitol building. They require TWO forms of ID PLUS the closing document or they bill you thousands of dollars. For real. Ridiculous.

Day 2 in an empty house...

We got wild and crazy. Max went pants-free!

All alone in an empty house!

Well, not exactly. Mommy was there too. Max and Mommy flew into DC late on Thursday night. We got to our empty house and checked it out briefly before hitting the hay. The next morning, we got up and explored like crazy! All of our meals were eaten on the floor because we didnt have the high chair. THAT was an adventure!
Running, running, running!
Checking out every corner!
SO fun!

Why has it been so long?

Well, we had one last meal at home (Max's first spaghetti!) and then... was off to the airport for our trip to DC. Max really enjoyed pushing the wheelchair around!