Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, November 30, 2018


Evelyn loved learning about circuits at the Science Fair. She and Daddy spent much of the afternoon building all sorts of electric things. Then she taught me!

Big hearts

We did our annual Christ Child shopping tonight. The kids used their big hearts - and math skills! - to pick out gifts for a 3rd grade boy and 1st grade girl.

Third grade field trip

We enjoyed spending a chilly day exploring the monuments on the Mall.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Miracle on 34th Street

Santa magic!

Breakfast with Santa

Breakfast with Santa was delicious, and the view was delightful.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

On the road again

Back to the train station to head home. And celebrate Vandy's win over UT!

Patsy’s Pizzeria

We learned about the Saturday afternoon 3p lunch rush and enjoyed real NY pizza on our way back downtown.

Y’er a wizard, Maxton

We all enjoyed the Harry Potter exhibit at the New York Historical Society.

Window shopping

Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall

Bucket list item checked off, and holiday spirit officially in high gear!


Max's favorite New York restaurant is an excellent pre-show choice.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Met

I recall Central Park in fall...

NYC or bust!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ian and the kids agreed the food looked - and tasted - exactly like last year. Tradition is tasty!


We always enjoy marking Aladdin's arrival at Mount Vernon at the start of the holiday season. We spent Thanksgiving morning enjoying the grounds and taking Evelyn's first tour of the mansion.

Essence of Evelyn

This is Evelyn at 6. Fancy dress, black leggings, fashion-forward hair stylings, and "American Doll Girl" in tow. I love 6.

Monday, November 19, 2018
