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Monday, March 25, 2013

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Here are some sweet videos of our adventures today.  Enjoy!

Boys will be boys

  • I heard the water running while I was putting away laundry.  When I came in the bathroom, I found Max stripped down and 'playing water.'  He told me 'what will happen when the glass has too much water?  It's a mystery!' and then filled it up, filled it up with toothpaste in it, a comb in it, his hand in it, and various combinations of the above.  It was a watery mess (hence his removal of clothes), but he had a ball!
  • Watching Max on the monitor while he falls asleep is always charming.  Last night, he told Muffin 'I am the grownup, I will put on your covers' and then spent about 5 minutes trying to tuck him in just right.
  • Max loves to talk to/for Evelyn.  He will respond to her coos with 'What's that baby girl?' and 'really Evelyn?!' for long periods of time.  He'll also be sure to tell us what she is saying when their conversations are over.
  • He's started not wanting to wake up in the morning.  Today, I got him up, changed diapers, and then put him back in his bed.  When I was leaving, he said 'you have to shut the blinds so it is nighttime in my room, I am still sleeping!'

Doll Baby

First, I love this first picture.

Next, Evelyn is an actual doll baby.  She looks just like a Cabbage Patch Kid!  She's gotten very into playing with toys lately, and is especially fond of her dolls.  It is so special to see her loving on Janette!

Morning glory

Most mornings, E gets up and dressed and then we go get brother.  He loves to tuck her into his bed.  They both laugh and laugh and play!

Bunny Business

We headed to meet the Easter Bunny this morning.  Max was SO excited to see him!  He walked right up to the bunny and said 'Happy Easter,' then crawled up beside him for his photo.  After the pics, Max talked to the bunny for a long time while Evelyn and I took care of the checkout.  He was so proud of his bunny ears. He wore them all through the mall for the rest of the afternoon!

Snow Day!

Today was a complete surprise snow day!  We had lots of fun playing outsides, stomping and kicking in the snow, then sledding together.  Such a fun surprise!

Art Outing

Saturday morning, we decided to check out the National Gallery.  It was not our most popular adventure, though it was kind of fun to find the different funny hats and imagine WHY you would wear those funny hats in a painting.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Art is in the eye of the beholder

Our artist in residence has been very busy lately!  He also painted flower pots and put stickers on Easter eggs, neither of which is suitable for blog inclusion but they are looking lovely on our Easter mantel!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hide & Go Seek

Hide and go seek is a favorite game these days.  Max is hilarious when he plays it.  He's a good hider, but then when you say 'I wonder if he's in the kitchen,' you'll hear this little voice pipe up and say: "I'm not in the KITCHEN, I'm under the PILLOWS!"

Pancakes A-Go-Go

Max LOVES to have pancakes on weekend mornings.  He and Daddy make them together.  He knows all of the ingredients - pancake mix, egg, oil, and water.  His favorite side is bacon, and he will warn you very loudly not to touch the pan if he thinks you are not aware.

Pizza Party

Max and I were pizza chefs again Friday night.  He was excited to get all of the ingredients out and to do the cooking all by himself!