Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

High Five. Skeletor. Inside Scoop.

There were so many punny names for this post I almost couldn't make it.  

Evelyn has a clear fracture in her thumb and this morning we met with the hand doctor, who gave her a snazzy new splint (2 actually - 1 to get wet on our cruise!) and the strict prohibition against anything dangerous for the next few weeks.  3 weeks in a splint, a few weeks in recovery, and we should be in good shape by the start of basketball season.  Grow, bones, grow!


Monday, November 29, 2021

We all need somebody to lean on.


Sunday, November 28, 2021

100% Vaccinated!

I didn't get a picture, but the Bryans are 100% vaccinated as of today.  Ian got his booster Wednesday, Emily Friday, and then both kids got shot #2 this afternoon.  November 28, 2021, is a good day for science!

Turkeys Trotting

We started our Thanksgiving (well, after a couple of hours of parade watching) with a two mile hike at Huntley Meadows, followed by our traditional grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.  A refreshing - and delicious - way to spend the late morning hours.


Thankful Gobblers

mmmmmm... cranberry chutney

Max nailed the crust for both pies and finished the pumpkin to perfection.

While Max cooked, Evelyn decorated fall cookies.

Then Ian prepped the bird for the grand finale.

Dig in, it's all delicious!


There's no place like home for the holidays.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Sibling Shot

I could not love these two, and their relationship with each other, more if I tried.


Love Notes


Monday, November 22, 2021

Eye Spy

Evelyn got kicked in the eye on the playground yesterday, and woke up with her eye swollen shut this morning.  The pedi checked it out, including making her eye glow to check for scratches on the cornea.  An Rx for eye drops, lunch out with Mom, and a trip to Walgreen's later, the eye should be looking and feeling more normal by tomorrow.


Portrait of a Clown


Off to the races

Evelyn and I ran the Navy Mile together Sunday afternoon.


Banner Day

The Troop had a play date at the playground and decorated their flowers for our parade banner.


Monday, November 15, 2021

Sunday fun

Max made an amazing key lime pie, and the rest of us played UpWords before Evelyn made homemade mac and cheese for dinner.


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Getting it done

Evelyn and Ian worked hard to wrap up their homework before dinner Thursday night.



Max and Max had a sleepover post-middle school movie night.  They watched Leprechaun, played a LOT of video games, and stayed up until either 12:30, 3, or 4, depending on which version of the story you believe.


Happy Birthday Jenesis!


Friday, November 12, 2021

Bobcats at Play

Evelyn and Ellie having fun at recess on a pretty fall day!


Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mom at Work


Veteran's Day

Our favorite veteran did his last Veteran's Day presentation to one of the kids' classes.  It's been a great 8 years of take-your-Dad-to-school, and we'll miss marking the day as Evelyn moves on to the Upper School next year.