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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Not so Mean Girls

Evelyn, Emilie, Emmy, and Abby got ready and put on a fashion show - compote with Buuld a Bear escorts - before heading out to trick-or-treat solo in the neighborhood. They made it back in time for some aggressive candy negotiations before the night ended. 

Max and his crew hit Rosemont - no photo evidence of their shenanigans has surfaced. 



Bobcats on Parade

One last go-round for Max at the Bobcat Halloween parade. He was an excellent buddy to his kindergartener, carrying his cape like a champ. Evelyn was also a great Karen Smith escorting her buddy. 


Monster Meal

 We ate Morty, Al, Jill, Billy and Bob - all delicious mummies - for a monster mash breakfast to start Halloween. Now it’s a marathon of fun events until we reunite for bedtime. Spooooooky fun!

Monday, October 30, 2023

4th Annual Halloween Extravaganza


Sunday, October 29, 2023

Marine Corps 10K

This race was the first time I thought I might actually be able to run back in 2019 and has remained my favorite. Happy to be back at it for 2023!


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Pumpkin Patch, Year 11


 Nobody offered either kid a sticker, and no adorable matching pumpkin-themed outfits. But it was a beautiful afternoon for the 11th annual trip to the pumpkin patch at Immanuel on the Hill. 

Friday, October 27, 2023




Max is now the proud holder of an official military dependent ID of his own. Milestone!


Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Back to the races…. Literally

We headed straight from the trip to Evelyn’s cross country championship meet. Here’s to hitting the ground running! 



Cruise Day Three