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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Some of our favorite things

Playing lots and lots and lots of BLIINK, and fresh sourdough bread.


Friday, January 22, 2021

Oh what a beautiful day

Ian and Evelyn started training Piper for off-leash walks.  Today, we all walked up to Chinquapin to let the dog run and train.  So fun!


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Bryan Catering Company

Evelyn worked on her icing technique for sugar cookies, while Max prepared scratch-made vegetarian sausage, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and mango lassi.  Lots of amazing talent trying new things in the kitchen.  Our tummies are lucky!


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Noon, 1.20.2021

 Always up for a good reason to celebrate, we marked the Biden inauguration with red-white-and-blueberry rolls for breakfast and Trumps-in-a-blanket, Cheetos, orange carrots, and red-and-blueberry salad for lunch.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Weekend Update

Evelyn went to a play date at Jenesis's that turned into an impromptu sleepover. While she was away, the boys headed to Whole Foods to buy a whole fish and jumbo crab legs for a complaint-free seafood night.  The next day, Max enjoyed a McD's breakfast with the parents, and Evelyn had lunch with Jenesis before coming home.  I'm loving it!


Friday, January 15, 2021

Wash Me Like a Hurricane

Max has taken the lead on keeping Piper's eczema baths on our priority list.  He's so good with her.


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Super Star

Evelyn has been putting on nightly concerts for us, each with a unique theme, costumes, and choreography.  Max makes sure there is a large and enthusiastic audience, and he and I enjoy peppering the star with questions from the press at the conclusion of the performance.  She's got quite a stage presence!


Monday, January 11, 2021

Wild Things

We found 3 deer across the street from our house while we were walking Piper.  Then Max headed to Max's for a sleepover, while Emilie came here to have a girls sleepover with Evelyn (too much fun to photograph!).  Not a lot of sleep Saturday for the kiddos, but lots of fun and lots of quiet recovery Sunday.

The school had just 1 positive Covid test, so today we're back in the classroom for the spring semester.  And, even better, 5th and 6th graders are now on-campus 4 days a week.  Woohoo!


Friday, January 8, 2021

Running Into It

I was on the treadmill at 4:26 this morning to start my 40s with a half marathon - the Houston half marathon for good measure.  A quick 2 hours, 13 minutes and 3 seconds later, all done and ready to start the day and the decade.  Woohoo!


Monday, January 4, 2021



Light Me Up

Evelyn has been having lots of fun exploring snap circuits.  She figured out how to build a portable flashlight and fan to take into her fort.