Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 29, 2011


We took Aunt Syd and Uncle P to Union Station to catch their train back to BWI.  Max was VERY excited to be going to a train station, and was in a great mood.  When we got there, we dropped S&P off curb-side.  As we drove away, Max melted down and said TAIN-shahun, PWEASE!  We were tickled and tried to go back to take him in, but traffic was so screwy that we just diverted with a few thousand rounds of the Wheels on the Bus.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rando Phone Pics

I kept forgetting my camera this week, so here are some random pics of our adventures from my phone (excuse the poor quality!).  Here he is punching buttons on the volcano exhibit at Natural History
 Checking out the big planes overhead at Air & Space
 With Daddy in front of the plane Daddy's granddad flew
 Looking at the HUGE elephant downstairs at Natural History
 Reading to bunny

Aunt Syd and Uncle P!

Aunt Syd and Uncle P arrived last night.  We headed to the Air & Space Annex with them today.  Max really liked to see the HUGE aA-panes!


 Uncle P by the planes his grandad flew in WWII- the big one.

 Max and Daddy took off exploring

 Max was really taken with the space shuttle.  He kept talking about it!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve

Max has a pretty horrible cold, so we let him skip church.  He had lots of fun around the house - and PLENTY of hydrating!

Christmas morning fun

After breakfast, Max noticed that Santa may have left something by the fireplace.  He was Santa's helper and took everyone their stockings.  

 It took a few minutes, but eventually he discovered that there were treats for him in his stocking!

 He got a fancy remote-controlled car

 And a Wheely-Bug, which is LOTS of fun!

 A fancy fire truck with THREE ladders
 And a dump truck with a rock.
 He played with Slinky's from his grandparents's stockings
 And kept playing while we called relatives near and far
 A family photo
 And one with the grand-rents
 And Max was ready for a nap on the steps!
 Just kidding, he was only pretend sleeping.
 More toys and playing

...and finally, down for what we expect will be a LONG winter's nap!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas party!

Max is just a little party animal!  Today, he is having a Christmas party with Miss Maria.  They (Maxie, Max and Meleia) regularly hang out with Sophie (Max's favorite), Bebe/Lily (Sophie's sister and host of a bouncy house party Max went to back in September) and their nanny, and Elias (Max never talks about the other boy in the group!) and his nanny Gabby (Max loves to talk about Gabby!).  

The nannies asked that all the kids wear holiday-wear today so they can get a cute picture.  Sure hope they behave better for them than Max did for me - these are some of the best I could catch this morning of Max in his Santa outfit!

SILLY boy!

Miss Lucy sent Max a giant box of goodies, one of which was this shirt/onesie.  Max did not want to put his pants back on after his last diaper change last night, and he was so cute in a onesie that we let him run around bare-legged.  We headed to the basement to play.  First, he spun in so many circles he was literally falling-down dizzy.  

 Then, he decided rolling around on the floor would be a-w-e-s-o-m-e!
 Then it was on to the garbage truck, possibly our favorite toy of all.

 We put painter's tape down to make a road for the trucks to drive on.

Much fun to be had!