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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Porch Baby

Fire Business

Sun Babies

The kids were cuties playing in the sun on Saturday afternoon!

Two Randoms

First, the kids enjoy the story of Jonah and the Whale almost daily from their Children's Bible. 
 Then, Evelyn had a fever Thursday night and slept in just her diaper.  She is such a cutie pie.


We went to Ikea on Saturday.  You never know what kind of adventure you will have there!

Pool Party!

Max got the baby pool out of storage and filled it up almost on his own.  It was a chilly start to the swim season, but the kids had lots of fun!

Memorial Day Morning

We took a stroll around the Capitol on Monday morning.  Max wanted to take pictures like the 20-somethings behind us were doing.  So we pretended to squish the building.

 And then I tried to take pictures of him jumping, but there wasn't quite enough clearance to get it to work.

 After all that photo work, he took a rest on Daddy's shoulders to watch the construction crew taking apart the stage from a concert the night before.

Then we went to the fish market to get yummy treats.  When it was time to go, Daddy carried both kids to the car.  I love Evelyn's arm in this picture.

Wheel Day

The neighborhood association sponsored Wheel Day, a pre-Memorial Day parade, on Sunday.  We decked out the stroller and the trike and headed for the fun.

 The best part was the post-parade party at a neighborhood playground we hadn't been to before.  Max loved the slides!

The Fire Man Can

We pretty blatantly stalk fire-related things in the neighborhood.  We've passed this fire van on the way to Meleia's house many a morning.  On our walk home last Thursday, the fire man was pulling in just as we walked past.  Never shy about asking for things, we asked him what his truck was, and we were in luck!  It is the Fairfax County fire education van.  We got to see his fire mask and oxygen tank up close, and we got a cool fire bag of goodies to take home.

Friday, May 24, 2013


 Evelyn's 'six month' photos were last month, on her 8 month birthday.  We got some great images of both kids and the whole family.  Oh, the joy they bring to our lives!