Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ho-ho-hold up, it's not even Thanksgiving yet!

Monday, November 18, 2019

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

So much fun with friends at the Cameron Run Winter Garden!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Evelyn Twist, Scientist

Evelyn has been eager to experiment with food coloring and celery.  This weekend, she launched the study.  Can't wait to see what happens!


Breakfast Buddy

Max and I had a great breakfast together while Evelyn and Ian were at events.  Such fun to spend one-on-one time together.

Readers are... shoppers?

Evelyn camped out in the cart and read her way across the Commissary this weekend.  Hard to pull her out of the world of Greg Heffley!

Christ Child Project

We shopped for our Christ Child Project children this weekend.  I was unbelievably proud of the thoughtful hearts the kids showed.  We were all thrilled when the cashier checking us out told us she would be shopping the Christ Child Project for her four kids - including a 9 year old boy and 7 year old girl.


Evelyn was thrilled to have Ellie over for dinner and a play date Friday night.


Friday, November 8, 2019

Second Grade Fun

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Civic Duty

The couple that votes together gets to gripe about the ridiculous antics of the state legislature and clerk of court together.  And that's just in an off-off election year.

Official photo

This is what "OMG I just ran 6.2 miles in torrential rain at a way faster pace than planned and didn't die" looks like.

Civic duty done

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sunday Service

Ian recruited volunteers for the Christ Child project while Evelyn and the Cherubs sang (after watching the baptisms below).

Oh what a night

A leaky pipe destroyed the ceiling and made for an indoor rain Saturday.  What a night!

Country Market

We had a great time playing the day away with friends at the Country Market.  Bumper cars, ice skating, rock climbing, dunking teachers, crafts, games - Max won a Kindle Fire - and more made for a super fun Saturday!