Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, May 24, 2021

American History

We are BACK, baby!  The Smithsonian is allowing people to reserve tickets for limited admission to some of the museums.  We started back at American History Sunday afternoon, which was fantastic.  None of the normal crowds, lots of new exhibits, and a fresh perspective for all of us.  We really enjoyed the exhibits on Democracy, Girlhood, and War (for the boys) and First Lady dresses (for the girls).  In 3 hours, we barely got through half the museum.  Can't wait to go back!


From Whom all blessings flow.

We headed back to church for the first indoor service... in 15 months.  It was Morning Prayer, so short and sweet, and incredible to be back in the building and with our people.  It was a whose-who of the Christ Church glitterati, limited to just 75 people.  Call us fancy!


Book Club

The first in-person book club in a year triggered the first Mom-and-Kids-Night-Out in 15 months.  We had dinner at Noodles, tailgated with Sweet Frog (where we pretended to be in a rocket launch), and then went to see Kara and the Last Dragon at a real movie theater.  This time, we were stunned by how much fun riding escalators is.  It's amazing the things we forgot about in quarantine!


Maniacs, Maniacs, Ma-ni-acs!

It was a rough loss at the end of a tough season.  We are so proud of the boys for playing hard, working as a team, and pulling off some amazing rallies.  And we really could not be more proud of Max for his sportsmanship, his focus on giving his best, and his leadership on the team.  And all of the great spectating paid off for Evelyn at the team celebration at the Goodie's ice cream truck!


Monday, May 17, 2021


Saturday was a great time to squeeze in a CARnival between tennis and baseball!  The kids had a great time socially distancing through games, carnival rides, feats of strength, cotton candy sculptors, and more.  While I missed seeing herds of kids running around the parking lot like they own the place, it was kind of sweet to do the drive-through CARnival with just our family.  I really appreciate the together time and sibling bonding Covid has brought us... most of the time.


We're ba-aaaack

It's been 14 months since we've eaten out as a family.  It was only fitting that our first meal back was a Sunday night feast at Guapo's.  


Light my fire

Max learned the fine art of lighting the grill at our first family cookout of the spring/summer.  Delicious burgers and hot dogs, delightful green beans and fries, and fantastic strawberry-raspberry-blueberry shortcake.


Girl Time

14 months since our last pedicures, we feel like new women!


Friday, May 14, 2021

The boy is mine

Max is stuck at home for 2 days while Evelyn recovers, and has taken advantage of the time to hang with Piper.  He was still able to join his class for the last day of Makers' Week, painting boards to decorate his room and catching up on the classroom fun.


Sickness is such sad sorrow

Evelyn woke up with a sore throat and headache, so both kids got to stay home until we get Covid tests back.  For posterity, here's the ultimate 2020/2021 shot of both kids: nasal swabs in the car.  Plus a great chat with the pediatrician and then home to read and rest on a pallet in Mom's office.


Monday, May 10, 2021

Taco 'Bout It

Max's illustration and guacamole recipe are included in the ACDS cookbook.


Mother's Day

My shadow and I baked cookies and painted her scooter to celebrate the day!


Friday, May 7, 2021

3rd Grade Poetry Slam

3rd grade turned into the Bobcat Cafe for the afternoon, while the beatnik class listened to each other's poetry reading and enjoyed cocoa and cookies from the "coffee shop," complete with the berets and black tops of true artists sharing their work.  Evelyn performed the original poems "Piper" and "I Hate Math," and Shel Silverstein's "Bucking Bronco."


Monday, May 3, 2021

Do you know the birthday boy?

It's hard to believe Max is ELEVEN.  Time flies when you're having fun...