Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, August 28, 2023

SkyZone or Bust!

Evelyn gathered her besties and headed to SkyZone to celebrate turning 11. It was a fun afternoon - and a great chance to reconnect with everyone before school starts again next week. Hooray for birthdays! Hooray for friends! Hooray for trampolines!

The ice cream cake was the perfect finishing touch before the final bouncing.

The Taylor Swift stickers for their new laptops and friendship bracelets were super popular party favors. Lots of trading to get the best stacks and stickers.

And let's be serious - coming home to unwrap gobs and gobs of Bath & Body Works gifts from her friends was pretty great, too.


Sunday, August 27, 2023

Putting in the work


11 is Heaven!


Thursday, August 24, 2023

On top of the world.

With both the Chief and the Senator out of town this week, Ian was the ranking member able to give some of his staff the Capitol Dome tour. What a view!


Monday Funday

Home again, Evelyn and Ian headed to relax and Emily and Max found a friend in a magazine while picking up Piper.


Home again, home again, jiggity-jog!

We left San Francisco at 5:50a from Oakland. It was an early start at 3:30!

Leaving our hearts in San Francisco.

We started with breakfast on the waterfront.

We watched the sea lions fight and play for a long time. They are hilarious.

Then we headed onto the cable cars for a fabulous ride across town.

We headed up to the room to read and relax for a bit, which turned into... nap time!

After resting up, we headed to a fortune cookie factory.

And then a last delicious dinner in Little Italy.