Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, February 24, 2020

Half Birthday

Such a fun celebration of Evelyn at the end of the day today, with Asterix in Belgium to share with the class before cocoa and donuts.  You are loved, Evelyn!

Precious Girl

Evelyn was down for the count Saturday with a 24-hour bug.  She took a 3-hour nap in the middle of a busy house and didn't move a muscle.  Full recovery by Sunday morning.

Zeus is Back

Zeus was with us again for a journaling weekend so he could meet Piper.  Max enjoyed getting pictures of Zeus in action around the house (and at Guapo's!).

Walk This Way

We had a long family walk with Piper, exploring the VTS grounds.  The kids really enjoyed walking the labyrinth, and Piper enjoyed challenging us with sprints!


Max's essay on the Marquis de LaFayette was well-done and informative.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Second Grade, First-Rate Fun

Second grade has been having fun writing, going on field trips, and planning for the release on Amazon of their book about birds in Monticello Park.  It's great to be second!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Troop 60087 had lots of fun selling cookies at the dry cleaner.  Business ladies in training!

Monday, February 17, 2020

Mrs. B

Evelyn, Ava, Ellie and Jenesis enjoyed frozen yogurt after a day of manners camp with Mrs. B.  Fun way to spend the day with friends!

Lucky dog

Max and Piper snuggle and read on Max's stuffed dog before bed each night (and have fallen asleep together a couple of nights).  This morning, they took advantage of the President's Day holiday to read Dinosaurs Love Tacos while Evelyn and her friends head to Mrs. B's for a day of manners camp.

Sweet Valentines

Evelyn's class started the day with birthday donuts, and ended it with Chari-HEARTS of Fire relay races and an ice cream party.

Max's class had birthday cupcakes for Lucas, a Valentine's movie, and lots of other fun.

At home, we had hearts added to our doors all month with things that make us special.

And we wrapped up the celebration with a three-course family dinner as fine as any fine dining establishment in the city.  Cheese & charcuterie, heart-BEET salad and meatballs, and chocolate fondue for dessert.  As Evelyn said, "if this is what grownup dinners out are like, I am SERIOUSLY missing out!"

Family Tradition

Steve Rosencranz, Tricia Rosencranz, Sydney & Emily Rosencranz, Richard and Eva Rosencranz, Robert Campbell, Alexx Campbell, Nance Rosencranz, Marga Rose Hancock and John Hancock, circa 1986.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pipes, Pipesy-Wipesy, Piperroni

Monday, February 10, 2020


Chewbaca, Squishimellow, and the funny pages.  What more do you need?


Handsome Max for formal night at cotillion took some coaxing to take a good photo.