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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Lego Land

We've all enjoyed getting creative in Lego Land lately!


What do you do with 81 apples?

 We made 4 apple pies, 3 apple osas, and ate quite a few apples just the way they are.  And bread, because now that it's cooling off we're back to running the oven and enjoying the baked goods life!

Monday, September 28, 2020

Posterity Post


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Tea for Three

Evelyn invited Mrs. Shine over for a tea party.  She planned the menu (10 types of cookies and cucumber sandwiches) herself, as well as picking the lemon-ginger tea.  She was a wonderful hostess and planned a perfect party!


Friday, September 25, 2020

Front and Center

Everyone knows there are no bigger Astros fans than the Bryan kids, who are loving their "front row" view of this season!


Monday, September 21, 2020

Ride Like the Wind


We went for a family ride Sunday afternoon.  Max and Ian raced around the track at Chinquapin for two miles, while Evelyn preferred to turn on the turbo boosters for a lap or more, until jelly legs took over, then take a rest, recover, and fire the turbo boosters again.  Lots of fun on a truly amazing fall day.

Apple Osu

Evelyn reprised her creation, Apple Osu, from last fall.  The secret is in adding enough brown sugar and vanilla to turn the apples brown.  She is a fabulous chef!


If Peter Piper picked two pecks of apples...

...he would have picked 81 apples.


Apple Picking

We headed to Damascus to pick apples, and were thrilled to find calves in tiny pens that we could visit with.  We were all completely captivated by the sweet guernsey calves, and were fascinated by the totally automated milking process.  Cows wander into the barn when they want to be milked, and robots affix the milking machine and go to work.  No people involved at all.  Truly amazing.  Then it was off to the orchard to pick 2 pecks of gala, fuji, buckeye, honey crisp, and golden delicious, as well as a couple of types I don't remember and we hadn't heard of.  Fresh apples are the best apples!


Free Flying

Max and Steve videochatted all summer to build a model plane together.  Max and Ian put the finishing touches on it this weekend, and then we called Steve to see if take its maiden flight.  It didn't go far, but building it with your grandfather is a lot of fun!


Sporty Spice

Evelyn and Conrad enjoyed bundling up together during a chilly baseball game Saturday morning.  That afternoon, Max and I did 2 1-mile loops together for his cross country training.  So much fun running and chatting!  And of course, some Piper candids because everyone is obsessed with the sweet pup.


Friday, September 18, 2020

Wrapping Up Week One

Evelyn did a great Me Bag presentation for her class, while Max survived the first round of rapid-fire Friday tutorials.  We are all glad to be coasting into the last day of the first full week.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Play ball!

After some delicious quesadillas for lunch, it was off to Brenman for the first game of the season.  Given that we hadn't had a practice yet, the team did a great job.  Max caught twice and pitched one inning.  Lots of pressure handled very well!