Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

School Picture Day!


Monday, September 26, 2022

Dance with me

There is a big group of 5th grade girls (and a number of photo-shy boys) doing cotillion together. They had a great first class, learning the waltz and enjoying being lovely.


Settled in for the school year.

School year weekends include yard work (work off that broken window!) and lots of time for homework. We definitely took advantage of the first fall weekend.


Parent's Night Out

The AP hosted the back-to-school parent party Saturday night. The 5th grade moms had a strong showing.


Finn is Fun

Max, Luke and Finn were excited to be the first to arrive at Finn's 13th birthday celebration.


Thursday, September 22, 2022

National Archives

The Archives hosted a reception for Congressional staff and their families. We had a great time checking out the exhibits, enjoying the food, and being goofy out on a school night. Evelyn was particularly taken with the photo booth!


Journaling as self care?

Oh, Evelyn, you are a big-feeling sweetheart.


Evelyn Eats - Lasagna Soup


Monday, September 19, 2022

The boys are back in town.

Reds 12U is back in season!



Perhaps Evelyn's tastiest board yet!


Fly Fight Win

The Andrews Air Show celebrated the 75th anniversary of the Air Force this year. Max and Ian spent the day watching demonstrations and checking out the planes - including our family favorite, the B-1.



Evelyn had a blast sleeping over at Emilie's Friday night. Max had baseball and then we ordered in Indian and watched Alien - a night clearly without Evelyn!


Wednesday, September 14, 2022


I happened to run into Evelyn, Emerson and Khasai on the way back into school when I dropped off a change of clothes for Max this morning.


The boys of 7th grade cotillion.

Max, Max, Lucas, Nathan, Ethan & Ben
Less than interested in getting the ACDS girls in the photo.


Monday, September 12, 2022

Sunday Funday

Max started working off his debt, pulling weeds in the front.

Evelyn built Lego homes.

And Ian made Granny's Spaghetti, to everyone's delight.


Book Club or Bust

We headed out to the outlet mall for the only Johnny Rocket's left in town. It was fun and funny to be back at JR's on book club night. After that, we hit the mall for some shopping for all of us, and to Dick's for baseball sunglasses for Max. Big night out.

Recreating a photo from when Evelyn was 3-ish:


The room where it happened.

2.5 years later, we finally made it to see Hamilton. Box seats were fantastic! (Ian was there, but we missed him in the photo window).


First Day Fun

While Max and 7th grade were off on their adventure, Evelyn and I enjoyed our traditional first day of school cookies-and-milk date. And the first week of school work was a fun way to start the year.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

7th Grade Sleepover

Max and crew are in West Virginia camping until Friday. Fun way to start the year!