Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, August 30, 2012


We've got a little ham on our hands these days!

Best thing about being a big brother?

PRESENTS!!!!  Thanks to our generous family and friends!

Fire Man Can

A fire man came on several calls to help Evelyn last night!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

We decided to go for blue this morning to bring out the deep blue in her eyes.  Tres chic and stylish!

Evelyn has been more awake than ever before today.  She watched Max, Ian and I play very closely this morning for about an hour.  It was exhausting - she took a 3-hour nap afterwards!  Then this afternoon she watched Ian and I piddling around for another hour before conking out again.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Doc Stats

Ian and I took Evelyn for her first checkup this morning.  She's already within .5 oz of her birth weight (rightly so - she is a constant nurser!), and checked out perfectly.  Such a sweetie!

Sibling Love

We think these guys will be dear friends.  Max is already a very caring brother!

Itty bitty tippy toes

Max has chosen Evelyn's tippy toes as his favorite thing about her so far.  He loves to squeeze and kiss them!

Wardrobe Malfunctions

Evelyn is pretty skilled at blowing out her diapers!  Here are some of her first, short-lived, outfit choices

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Evelyn Frances Bryan

When the doctor called Wednesday afternoon and said it was time to induce, we were all expecting a fast delivery.  Instead, after 25 hours at the hospital (but less than 10 minutes of pushing!), we finally welcomed Evelyn Frances to the family.  A lot of these would not normally make the blog cut, but in the name of remembering her first 48 hours, here's everything we've taken since her arrival.