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Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Breakfast of Champions

We escaped the cleaning ladies for a breakfast of champions at IHOP.  Smiley face pancakes, cocoa, and...a  BURGER?! for breakfast.  Yum!


Friendly Swim

Fun with Jenesis and Max with dinner and the pool.


Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Bed Head

Love the way Evelyn's hair arranges itself overnight.


Opening Day

Back to the pool for the first time since 2019 and it was so, so good!  The kids aced their swim tests and swam, jumped and played like crazy.


Monday, June 28, 2021

Church Busy-ness

Even though they're older and wiser, they're still as busy as ever in the pews on Sunday mornings.


For posterity

When we look back on Covid and wonder whether it was a strain on working parents, these notes, taken during my conference call with the CEO, CFO, and comms lead of a major health provider, should be considered as part of the story.



Some fun shots from Steve and Tricia's visit, including Piper's FIRST meeting of grandparents, lots of basketball and HORSE, cooking, batting practice, a night out and walk to Pizzaiolo, and a late-night pic from Mom and Dad's date night.  Busy, fun visit!


Walk This Way

While Ian and Evelyn rode bikes, Max, Piper, and Mom headed to Old Town for a walk and an ice cream "brunch."


Riding Free

Steve taught Evelyn how to master her new bike, and she has taken to it like a fish to water.  She loved the 10 mile ride they did on the Capital Crescent trail, and took Ian for a ride there Sunday.  She also had a great ride with Jay at Chinquapin, where she bragged on Steve's bike teaching skills.  So many good raspberries, so many miles, so much fun!


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Baltimore or Bust