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Monday, October 31, 2022

This is Halloween

Evelyn woke up with the plague that has been haunting the 5th grade. Poor baby has slept, listened to books on tape, and snuggled with Piper all day. No tricks or treats for her today.

These pretty flowers made me stop for a moment on my walk. Just lovely up close.

I got to catch the Halloween parade at school, back for the first time since 2019. It was absolutely WILD to see the 7th graders - who were still the "little buddy" walking with the 7th graders in the last parade as the "big buddy" walking with 4th this year. Time really does march on, whether you're ready or not.


It's going... going.... going... GONE!

Max had his first over-the-fences home run at Sunday's game. It was a wild celebration for him and the team. As Max put it, this was the culmination of 6 years of hard work. Swing for the fences has an all new meaning for him now!



We had a great time at the Bryan Halloween Bash last night. So much fun that I failed to get pictures of the kids, who were off roaming the neighborhood the whole time. Fun way to celebrate fall!



The Girl Scouts left school at 6:45a to go dogsledding almost in Pennsylvania. We had a great, cold morning loving on sweet dogs and taking a wild ride on the dogsled. Fun way to start a Sunday!


Scooter Brigade


Country Market

Saturday was the perfect day to celebrate fall and friends at Country Market!


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Pumpkin Patch, Round 11

Hard to believe - impossible, really! - that this is our 11th year at the ICOH pumpkin patch. We picked excellent pumpkins, enjoyed excellent treats, and took the traditional pics.  Halloween is almost here!


Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Serious Business

We take our ice cream seriously around here. A scoop of mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough for Evelyn, and spooky & scary ice cream (with ghost pepper in it!) for Max.


League Champs!

We were excited to cheer on Max and the Bobcat XC team at the league championship meet. Max came in 11th, beating his prior time on this course by almost a full minute. Go Bobcats!