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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Girls trip!

Evelyn and Mom visited Houston this weekend as part of a work trip. It was so fun to spend time one-on-one! When we got through security, Evelyn was thrilled to see a 'hello' on the wall and ran right over to check it out.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Sister friend

Evelyn and Kinsey both have older siblings in Level Two swim lessons. Every night, the girls start by checking each other out very warily while eating snacks, then one runs up to point at the other and say 'BABY!!!!' They point and squeal back and forth for a good 5 minutes or so and then are fast friends. So cute!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

And I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill...

We took one last walk around the Capitol before Dad had to return his staff badge.  It was amazing to see the kids running through the halls as if they owned the place.  Max knew right where to look in the rotunda to find the George Washington painting.

Anatomy of a goodbye

The kids are always so excited to wave goodbye to Daddy when he gets in his 'beep beep in the mornings.'

 As soon as he is off, so are the kids!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Evelyn and Max read Cinderella together before we got ready for bed. Such friends!

Weekend loves

Such a funny bunch of nuts!