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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Bunny in the yard

We came home from swim to a tiny brown bunny in the back yard. So sweet!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Back in the saddle

Monday, July 27, 2015

Super Flower

Evelyn dressed up as Super Flower, whose super power is being nice, while Max and daddy played Monopoly Jr.

Nautilus Sub and Hyde Park

We toured the Nautilus, then headed to SplashDown Water Park (no pictures, but tons of fun. Max rode everything in the park and loved it!!). Hyde Park was an amazing last stop before heading home.

Water Wednesday Night part 2

Water Wednesday Night part 1

A beautiful sunset cruise!

Water Wednesday part 1

We headed to a giant Navy ship place to explore submarines and cruisers. We learned about WWII and had Portuguese food for lunch. Then Max reenacted the battles on the beach during naps.