Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, September 27, 2019

Bobcats at Work

Monday, September 23, 2019

Back to School Night

The 4th grade has been too busy learning to prepare for Back to School Night, but Evelyn's class left us notes with instructions about how to really appreciate the classroom.  We enjoyed learning about ALL the learning the kids will do this year!

Girls Night Out

The girls enjoyed Cats at the Kennedy Center while the boys watched Space Balls and ate fish.  Not sure who had more fun!


Evelyn did yoga for an hour while Max was at cotillion, and thoroughly enjoyed herself.  Namaste!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Growing up

Cotillion may be a miserable right of passage, but it is one Max kicked off yesterday.  The general consensus among the parents is that despite the protestations of the boys, they secretly enjoyed themselves.  Secretly.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

5 Years of Gratitude, Done.

Run done!

Finished my 5K in 33 minutes. Great start to the weekend!

Date Night

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Date Night

We enjoyed Dora the Movie and delicious ice cream for Book Club date night.  Love our time together!

Batter Up!

We are enjoying the start of the new season.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

2nd Week, 2nd Grade

Monday, September 9, 2019

Welcome Back

After a summer hiatus for the Bryan family, it was nice to be back at church for kick-off Sunday.


After much patient waiting for the tourist season to pass, we finally had a chance to check out the new dinosaur exhibit at Natural History.  It was definitely worth the wait!

Evelyn was sad that we would never get to see the new exhibit for the first time at the end.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Second Grade, First Week

Evelyn's class has had a LOT of fun in the first week of school:

Thursday, September 5, 2019

First Day Fun

It was all smiles and joy as we started the new year.  Both kids had great first days and were eager to go back for day 2.  Hooray!
Evelyn went from anxious to excited when she saw the bobcat out front, ready to greet kids!
Evelyn's teacher greets the class with a choice - handshake, hug, or high five?  Evelyn went with a first-day high five.
The school sent us photos of the first day to help calm our parental nerves mid-day.
Sister did not want to take off her uniform - or stop talking - over after school cookies and milk with Dad!