Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A morning at the playground

It's up into the 100s again here today, so we hit the playground early - 8:50a! - and were home by 9:25. We did get some cute shots and had LOTS of fun playing!

Silly dinner time!

Max had TWO sippy cups at dinner last night - one for milk and one for water. He thought this was HI-larious

Typical night

First, we walk Miss Talia and Kai out to say bye-bye!
Kai says hey, don't forget about me! Then we look at all the cars. We get to touch Mommy's car - so fun! Explore the yard.. And then inside to play until dinnertime!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Current fave

Max really, really likes to read. And his #1 book of choice for the last couple of weeks has been First 100 Words. He loves to look at all of the colorful squares. His favorite page is the one with the 9 types of cars on it. He makes vroom-vroom and beep-beep and wee-o, wee-o sounds galore while we look at it. His second favorite is the animals page. He likes to roar like a lion!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Cinema Paradisio

Friday, July 22, 2011

Cutie faces

Well look at that!

The electrician came to install the chandelier in the dining room today. Max was alternately fascinated (most of the time) and petrified (when they used power tools). Here is some fascination while the sawed the outlet box into the wall:
Terror while they drilled the hole: Seriously, make it stop! Oh, now it's fun to watch them work again. I even have snacks!

While I was away...

There was lots of this!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Loving it!

First off, is this child adorable or what?!
Patrice (that's name #3 for Mommy's mommy, for those keeping track at home) recently sent us the art that hung over Mommy's crib when she was a baby. Max loves it!
Talking about the colors and pictures with Daddy:
I tell you that bird is AWESOME!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Going to storytime

Max and Miss Talia went to storytime at the library this morning. Max was pretty excited about it...

Sick puppy :(

Max was a sick puppy this weekend. He did not feel well at all, except in 45 minute bursts about 30 minutes after taking his medicine. During those times, he was invincible! The best part was that we had him clothes-less due to the fever, so we had one cute little boy for those 45 minutes!

Another trip to the cinema

Readers are leaders Dancing, and singing, and grooving to the music

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Exploring in Alexandria

Miss Talia takes Max to the Soft Play Place (like Gymboree but without teachers) on Tuesdays. Max loves it!
On Thursdays, Kai comes with Miss Talia and the three head to the splash park for fun. Max didn't like it the first week but had a great time today!
There's a big sand box at the splash park, and Max REALLY like it :)

Some fave activities

Max really likes to poke buttons and play with cords. There is a stereo in the corner of my office and he likes to come visit and play with it. Oh, if only the vacuum really worked we would have SPOTLESS house. Max LOVES the vacuum and is using it all the time!
He also really likes to stick his fingertips into door cracks and see if he can get them to open. We often find him like this by the front door, bedroom doors and closet doors. Occasionally, he gets lucky and it works!