Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Think of it as a giant bathtub...

Max and Mommy went to Kelly's house to play today. Boy was Max surprised to discover that we expected him to get in the pool! Mommy was so happy to be in the water, and Max was... okay with it.

I think he looks JUST like Ian in this one: The video is of his VERY first time in the water. He takes it pretty well. We were able to stay in the pool almost 40 minutes, though Max was definitely up on Mommy's shoulder for much of that time!

Whale of a Good Time

Max LOVES to take baths. He and Daddy have a special, speedy bathtime routine. Here, by popular demand, are some pics of Max having whale of a good time!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Max made Daddy cinnamon rolls this morning and is taking him out for barbecue later today. Yay for Daddy and play-mat time! Here are a couple pics of the boys together: And, in honor of Emily's dad, here are a couple of shots of Max in his grandaddy's favorite outfit from when Mommy was a baby!

Hello, FOM!

That's fans-of-Max, for those of you that weren't in my head when I made it up :) Friday was a lot of fun for Max. We went to Daddy's office to say hello to the boys there, then out for lunch with Mommy's friend Deidra. Max likes Mexican food! While we were at the office, Max had the chance to be changed on Daddy's desk. Note, of course, the thematically-appropriate airplane outfit for the visit to the base.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Max's first formal

Well, not really. Mom and Dad went to the SAASS XIX graduation dinner on Saturday night. Max got to put on an outfit and be a part of the pre-party photos. It was a fun night out for Mom and Dad, and a nice night at home with granny for Max.
(yes, we do take this exact picture every year)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Max goes to Jr. League

Max and Mommy had a meeting at the Jr League this morning. We discussed it before leaving for the meeting, and Max felt that it would only be appropriate to wear seersucker to the League office. The ladies would expect no less. He wore it and was quite the cutie! Yesterday was a big day for Max too. He wore a non-onesie outfit for the first time! This very cute frog outfit was a gift from his friend-to-be Heitz, the son of the best man in our wedding. Wearing real clothes is exhausting!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

1-month checkup

Max had his 1-month checkup today. We were not surprised to learn that he is growing fast! He put on 1.5 pounds in the last two weeks, and is now 9 lbs, 14 oz and 21 3/4" long. He's right at the 50% point on the growth charts and is growing strong. More pictures later -

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Max is 1!

One month, that is! To celebrate his 1-month birthday, Max played with his new rattles. He took an extra-long nap and then posed for some pictures. Time has really flown - we can't believe it has been a month already! And, while we're posting, here's a sweet picture of Max and Daddy. Enjoy!