Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, April 28, 2023

Les Mis

We had a family night at the Kennedy Center to see Les Mis for my birthday. Evelyn and I LOVED it, Ian liked it a lot, and Max... stayed awake for it. We met Ian at the show, where he was able to help get the length of Max's tie right (with a proper knot done by Max before we got there!). We had a few minutes to have drinks on the balcony and watch the sunset before it was time for the curtain to rise. Wonderful gift from a wonderful fam!


Thursday, April 27, 2023

Student-Led Conferences

Both kids did an excellent job presenting at their third trimester conferences. They embody the five learning traits well, identified great SMART goals for the last of the year, and are ready to finish strong. AND we did our annual locker check for Max, which was... eye opening.


Aunt Syd!



Max's time with Hughes has been paying off. Lots of strong batting at his lesson this week.


Monday, April 24, 2023

I just want to camp with you.

The girls had an AMAZING time in the woods for a glamping trip at Camp Winona. It poured the first few hours we were there, and the girls took full advantage of the chance to get soaked, muddy and wild. The rain stopped just in time for burgers, s'mores and dough boys over the fire and some fun singalongs. Sunday morning was perfection, with solar-powered nachos waiting for us after a nice nature walk and exploration of the camp's river.


Bronze Award Winners

The girls delivered their donations - starter kits for senior pet adopters, educational posters about the benefits of senior pets, blankets for pets to use in the shelter and at home, and a check for $1,000 to cover the cost of 4 senior dogs and 3 senior cats - to the Arlington Animal Shelter Saturday afternoon. That was a year-long effort to pick a project, learn about it, and do some good in the community. Congratulations to Troop 60263, Bronze Award winners!