Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Summer is coming...

So Max started swimming lessons at Marymount University. He was happy to be back in the pool!

First night of spring

We got a brief glimpse of spring Friday night. Can't wait to spend evenings watching Evelyn drive and the boys dig for bugs.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Snowball fight!

The kids ganged up on me in a snowy fight!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Oh the fun you can have in an airport!

Travel Zoo

Tricia and I took the kids to the zoo to burn off energy. They loved it, despite the cold. Favorites for Evelyn were meerkats and tigers. Max liked feeding giraffes, sea lions eating fish Popsicles, and the baby antelope named Nutmeg. 

This lion water fountain has been at the zoo since Steve went here as a boy!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Rhinestone Cowboy

Lots of fun at the Houston rodeo!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Outside fun

It's pouring, cold and windy right now, but we had lots of fun outside just an hour ago!

Getting wild in here

Not one to be left out of the dress-up fun, Evelyn put on Max's coat and shoes and ended up looking a but like a rap star from the Fresh Prince if Bellaire days. 

Max was thrilled to put on his cowboy get up. He is saving the button down for Texas and is hoping to score a lasso at the rodeo!

Monday, March 10, 2014


We celebrated Seuss's birthday and played cowboys before bed. 


It was 60 and sunny today. We climbed trees and went on an explorers walk after work. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Momma' little helper

Evelyn helped put lunch together after church this morning. Such a helper!

The long road home

We walked down to meet Daddy at the bus stop Friday night. Evelyn led us home. 

She walked right to the front door and say neatly on the stoop to wait for the rest of us. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Max worked very hard and learned the Class Creed for Tae Kwon Do.  He is the only kid in his class to have learned it, and he earned a patch for his uniform (the official school patch, very big deal) for doing it.

In class last night, Master Baroody called him to the front of the whole class and asked him to recite it.  Without a hesitation (or even a breath, really), he recited the entire thing in a loud, clear voice.  Everyone clapped, and the parents I was sitting with (who didn't know he was mine), said things like 'that's really impressive, I can't believe he can do that,' and the  like.  I was so proud of our confident little man!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Max delivered his Philippine fundraising money to the Red Cross today!