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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Best Christmas yet

The purity of Max's belief and his genuine joy at his gifts were contagious. Max also sang with the choir at the Christmas Eve service for the first time. He was awed by the beauty of Silent Night in the dark, and humbled to be part of the choir underpinning the entire service. It was so special to hear him explain what Christmas Eve church means to him.

Evelyn is also filled with belief and wonder. She picked the front row of the church, and watched in rapt attention throughout the long service. She was moved by Silent Night as well as the sermon, which used This Little Light of Mine as a jumping in point. She quietly hummed the song through the service and day today.

This morning was filled with joy and laughter, sincerely given gifts, and delight in retelling the stories of making gift selections and misadventures along the way. We were joined for dinner at the last minute by friends whose travel plans had changed. The kids moved between the conversation and hovering in hearing range and were great conversationalists.