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Monday, April 19, 2021

Take me out to the ball game... for the first time in 15 months

We all enjoyed the trip to Nats Park for a big loss to the Diamondbacks.  Getting there was a lot of fun.  First, there has been SO MUCH GROWTH in the Waterfront neighborhood by the park that it was like being in a whole new place.  We parked several blocks from the stadium and walked over.  The highlight for me was Evelyn saying "oh look, a crossing guard!" and Max replying with "oh yeah, I forgot about them."  It was really interesting to be back in the more-bustling city, where even with masks and distancing things felt more alive.  

Inside the stadium, crowds were capped at 25%. The highlight for me was ZERO wait for the ladies' room, even right after the game ended.  Short lines for food, no line for bathrooms, and the ability to put your feet up on the seatbacks in front of us.  I could get used to socially distanced baseball...

We also noticed that the kids are significantly more mature about the game than they were 14 months ago.  Evelyn watched the whole thing without needing boredom breaks, to sit on my lap, or to be otherwise entertained.  Max watched intently, looking for the shifts and really studying up on how the pitcher and catcher cover in various scenarios.  It was the most no-stress game ever.

And then, we came home to the news that we're in a remote school situation for at least 3 days for Evelyn and a week (possibly 2) for Max.  And it was such a great example of how resilient Covid has made us all.  We took the hit (oh man, no school, no baseball, no playdates!) and then carried on with the pivot to positive - no khaki pants or skirts, more time with Piper, and better lunches.  Pick up, dust off, and carry on.  It's what we do.