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Monday, December 21, 2020

Nutcracker Tea

We were not going to let Covid keep us from enjoying the Nutcracker experience this year.  We had a family tea, including 3 types of tea sandwiches (pb&j, cucumber, and pimento cheese), quiche, and an amazing dessert spread.  It was almost like being back in England for high tea - though those purists would probably not have included gingerbread houses on the rim of the kids' tea cups!  Then we took the new nutcrackers to the living room and settled in by the fire - even Piper - to watch Baryshnikov's Nutcracker.  It was fun to watch, and even more fun to see Evelyn note the differences - and the missing dances - in this version and the Washington Ballet's version.  We are ready to see it live again next year!