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Thursday, December 31, 2020

NYE 2020

2020 certainly had its challenges, but we've also had a lot of fun finding new ways to celebrate milestones.  For NYE, we dropped mason jars of George Washington Punch off to friends across the DMV, then came home for a family-only party.  Evelyn dressed herself, Ian, and me, and we enjoyed a leisurely night of food (caviar, crudite, charcuterie, and chocolate fondu) interspersed with FINISHING all 9 seasons of The Office (for Ian and me) and some very confused kids, who enjoyed the finale but knew nothing that had happened in seasons 6-9.  And of course, making fun of the NYC extravaganza (or lack thereof this year) was the perfect lead-in to popping our holiday crackers and falling, grateful and with full hearts, into bed.