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Friday, June 11, 2021


 Both kids grew like weeds this year, which we knew, but it was still kind of shocking to hear they each gew more than 3 inches.

Max - 92.4 lbs (76%), 59.3" height (82.1%)

Evelyn - 52 lbs (14.58%), 49.75" (19%) 

Evelyn also had her eyes checked, with perfect 20/20 vision in both eyes.  3 shots for Max later, physicals and sports clearances are done for the next school year on the FIRST day of summer.  Winning!  But even more winning was overhearing the doctor talking to the nurse about what great kids they were and how much they both genuinely enjoyed talking with Max and Evelyn.  Good kids, great questions, lots of good ideas about how to stay healthy and strong!