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Monday, August 7, 2023

Cooperstown Dreams Park

While the Alexandria Senators had some tough losses at the tournament, they also had a LOT of fun playing together and enjoying the Cooperstown experience. 

We were able to take the boys out for lots of lunches and dinners to check in and get the scoop on how they were doing.

We also watched 6 games, including a triple-header on Saturday and a game that went into extra innings Sunday.

The opening ceremonies were a way to get a feel for just what 96 teams looks like - a LOT of baseball players!

During TORRENTIAL downpours Friday, we took in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Then after a hitting slump, Max found the magic with a home run in the last inning of the third game of the triple header. We were VERY excited!

After the last game, we headed to a brewery for a long, lazy last team lunch. The boys, clearly worn out from 5 days of intense baseball... immediately started playing wiffle ball.

Coach Sherry presented them with their rings for being inducted into the Youth Baseball Hall of Fame.

And then we checked Max out to head back to the lake house with us to hang for the next day before we head home. What an adventure!