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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Beamish to Edinburgh

This is the day that Britain chose to give us stereotypical British weather.  Which was great, because it was the day we planned to tour a living-history museum spread across 300 acres.  It's all part of the experience...

We spent a lot of time exploring a Victorian school room.  We compared and contrasted their kindergarten to George Mason's, and had fun learning about slate writing tablets.

Then it was off to the coal town, where we learned about black lung, coal mining, and trains.

On the drive to Edinburgh, we stopped to grab a coffee, and a quick pic with a phone booth.

Then we had a walkabout in Edinburgh before dinner at a Spanish restaurant.

Finally prayers for all of the war victims we have learned about, as well as all who died of beheadings and the plague. European history is... uplifting...