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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

York to Durham

We hit the Yorkshire Air Museum as a spontaneous stop.  It was neat to see what was left of a WWII airfield, and to get up close with some of the planes.  Evelyn was struck by how crooked you were inside of the planes before they took off in the old days.  We tried to sit down and slid right down the bench!

We stopped in a precious town to buy coffee, and ended up wandering into their church.  They had converted a corner into a kids' section, which the kids loved and we took lots of pictures of to share with Christ Church Alexandria.

Then it was on to Durham, which is small and utterly charming.  We strolled the center of the city and up to the cathedral.

After the chapel, we decided it would be neat to do a row boat trip down the river.  So we did.  Everyone gave rowing their all and we had a good trip.

Then we took a very tired and hungry crowd out for pizza.  We stuffed ourselves, and then everyone felt much happier.
I almost forgot, we also took a trip (unphotographed) to the indoor pool!