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Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Noble Duke of York

York is a charming city.  We stayed in the heart of the old city, in walking distance of all of the sites.  And oh, did we walk!

We started the day at the York Castle Museum, which is a wonderful walk through time, exploring homes and furnishings from the 1700s - today.  We loved getting to interact with the docents and the materials.

This tree is from the section on WWI.  We thought it was a great hiding place.

Trench warfare was terrible, but the trenches are fun to play in...

Then it was off for high tea at the Grand Hotel.  The kids were delighted by the tiny sandwiches and, of course, the desserts!

Then we walked around the city a bit more, exploring the Army Museum before heading to the Jorvich Viking Experience.

The York Minster was gorgeous, and while we missed the chance to see inside, we got the idea from the outside.

We walked around in the evening, before enjoying Yo! Sushi together.

I love York and think everyone should visit here.