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Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Day Four - Magic Kingdom and Home

Father's Day started with Evelyn spelling "Best Dad" out of materials she found on the dresser before giving gifts to Dad.

Then the wheels came fully off the bus, with Max feeling terrible and passing on the park. So the girls headed to Magic Kingdom to knock out teacups, Little Mermaid, Small World, and Winnie the Pooh before the boys joined us for the Splash Mountain fast pass. Despite declaring it a must-do on Day One, Evelyn got VERY nervous and was NOT excited to ride it. But we pressured her into it, much to her dismay. At the top of the big slide down, she yelled "I'm going to DIE AND I LOVE PIPER!" She finally forgave us after about an hour. Then we monorailed to the hotel, showered off, hung out in the lobby for a bit and headed home.  What a fun adventure!