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Monday, July 24, 2023

If you forget the tent, are you really camping?

When we woke up Saturday, Ian noted that it was going to be just 84 degrees and low humidity. So we decided to take advantage of the weather and head to Prince William Forest Park for the night. Two hours later, we were on an ideal site with all of our gear... except the tents!  While Mom headed to buy the new, bigger tent we had been talking about getting at some point in the future, Dad and Evelyn took the dog for a 4-mile hike. Then it was time to construct the new tent (which would be very comfortable for 4+the dog - less certain the promised 8-person capacity would be comfortable... or even doable!), cook up some steaks, and enjoy the night in the woods.  While Piper hung out on the dog run, Buildy enjoyed hanging by the fire with the rest of us.