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Wednesday, July 5, 2023

It's up to you, New York, New York!

Piper was happy to stay home alone while the rest of us took off for two days in NYC.

We started off at the MoMA. Not sure we're modern art people, but it was fun!

Then off to dinner at Azalea. Delicious!

And catching the light in Times Square.

Breakfast at Liberty Bagels with its gazillion fancy cream cheeses and bagel varieties.

And headed to the Central Park Zoo, which we all really enjoyed.

The girls scrambled while the boys meandered.

Then an amazing afternoon strolling the Met.

Then we took the bus down to the bottom of Times Square and walked back to the hotel by way of the MLB Store and a hot dog stand.

Then Ian and I had drinks at Monkey Bar before the kids walked down to meet us, braving the streets of NYC on their own!

Last morning breakfast and then the Strand, a quick visit to the hotel and back to Alexandria. What a ride!